
In conjunction with 2021 Virtual lean LEADERSHIP WEEK EVENTS

Lean Into Wellness

A Lean Frontiers Online Workshop with Stefan Martiyan

Event Details

Date & Time


Workshop Fee

Join our online, interactive workshop!

The Workshop…

Learn how to apply Lean management principles, tools and techniques to help improve your wellness and to help others, like friends, family and colleagues. Lean thinking can help you achieve common day-to-day wellness goals, like getting enough sleep and exercise or eating healthy, but it can also help you achieve aspirational goals like running your first marathon or sustaining a healthier and improved lifestyle. Whatever the reason, attendees of this workshop will learn how to more effectively maintain and improve their wellness and/or help others improve their wellness by using and applying simple lean principles and tools. The workshop will walk each attendee through the six steps to improve wellness, which are as follows:

  1. Define what wellness means to you;
  2. Determine how to measure your wellness;
  3. Set performance targets for your wellness goals;
  4. Routinely monitor actual performance in comparison to your wellness goals;
  5. Celebrate when wellness targets are met and when goals are achieved; and
  6. Take action when wellness targets are missed.

At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will have completed steps 1-3 and established a plan to improve their wellness in steps 4-6.

Lean into wellness and sign up for this workshop today!


Stefan Martiyan

Stefan Martiyan is the director of the U.S. EPA Office of Continuous Improvement that successfully deployed a lean management system agencywide. The system uses lean process improvement principles, tools and techniques to help ensure EPA organizations set measurable performance targets and problem-solve when necessary to help the agency continuously improve and more effectively meet its mission.

Stefan has also applied lean tools and techniques to his passion, wellness, which have helped him achieve aspirational goals like running over 100 miles unsupported in the mountains. He now leads regular wellness huddles, discussions and workshops at EPA designed to help others achieve their wellness goals too.

There's more!

This workshop is part of the 2021 Lean Leadership Week Events! For more information on the Summit, click here.